Ciao Raga!

Mi chiamo Charlotte. The Italian Project is almost a code phrase for every project I’ve wanted to create or see through. First, the obvious: learning the Italian language. Obtaining dual citizenship with Italy and the US became another facet of this project. The rest are less tangible, but are all branches of my albero: a love of traveling in Italy and sharing that sense of home Italy brings me with others; cooking Italian/Italian-American recipes; a desire to one day have my own place in Italy; and now that my husband Andrew and I are starting a family, sharing all this bella vita with a little bambino/a.

Contact Me

I'd love to chat and hear about your language learning experiences, travel stories, advice, new mama advice, quests for citizenship, or to share recipes!

Do you need help planning your trip to Italy, putting together an itinerary, or feel confused where to start? Send me a note and let's collaborate!

A presto!


